Hi all,
I just want to share that I now have three of my books, (picture books), available in print! I'm very excited about this. As much as I love publishing to the Kindle and other ereaders - holding a printed book in my hands is a great feeling!
My Novella Ginny's Sacrifice is going through the process of print also, and will most likely be available by next week. I'm waiting for the proof right now and if all goes well, it will be ready soon!
This is a great and fun time to be a writer and designer, with the ability to publish work in a short period of time, it's just amazing to me. I'm enjoying every minute of it! I'm currently working on a new picture book, and also a fantasy trilogy. That along with designing gifts, and my day job, I'm a busy girl. But loving every minute of it.
For those of you who are wondering how it's all paying off, I'll just say for now, it's nice to have a little extra income in combination with my day job. I'm pretty sure that the more I build up my library, the more it will increase. In any case, the joy is in the process for me.
Here is the link to my Amazon Author page with links to my new paper back books:
Niki Alling's Author Page
Take care!